
How To Sign Cooking In Asl

The sign for "melt" uses "flat hands." The dominant hand represents a piece of food. The non-dominant paw represents a cooking surface. Put the nutrient on the cooking surface and then turn the food over.


Memory aid: The sign for melt is sort of like flipping a hamburger patty or a fish.

A variation for how to sign Melt:

If yous want to describe an action while cooking, such as flipping the food over:

If yous are referring to a style of cooking, such as "frying" nutrient you lot tin sign:

If you wanted to mention the blazon of cookware you are using, a mutual sign for POT is:

To plow Cook into CHEF, add the PERSON-[agent] sign:

Sample sentence: Have yous taken a cooking class earlier?






Likewise see: STOVE

Context: The more than context -- the fewer signs are needed to sign something.
For example, suppose I asked y'all how to sign:
"Have y'all ever taken a cooking class?"

Before showing me any signs, a good response would be to ask me what is the context.

Why? Because depending on the context nosotros tin can use fewer signs.

Suppose the context is: Ii people chatting and person "A" asks person "B" if they accept ever taken a cooking course. Person "B" responds with "NO" and then signs:
"You lot?"

Thus given enough context the "right" way to sign "Accept yous e'er taken a cooking class?" -- the correct fashion to sign it would be to:

Look at your chat partner, raise your eyebrows, and point at them.

If y'all sign any more than that -- y'all are using more signs than would be culturally and contextually appropriate and thus signing in a non-native way.

A small debate in ASL instruction and learning groups has to exercise with whether or not yous can use the sign Make when referring to the training of food.
This brings up the topic of whether or not ASL signs tin have more than than 1 meaning. (I firmly believe the respond is yes.)

I'g totally okay with the concept of signing:  I Brand PEANUT+BUTTER JELLY SANDWICH.

For those who argue that "technically" nosotros are not "making" the peanut butter (but rather we are putting together existing parts) I would suggest that English speakers are not "making" the peanut butter in their sandwich either. Yet in English it is still common to use the term "brand" to refer to "putting something together."

I would too propose that the ASL sign MAKE can mean to "put something together" (rather than just the Godlike act of rearranging atoms and molecules).

Information technology seems to me that the basis of the sign COOK is the flipping of something on a grill. (And grills tend to be used for applying rut).

Again though, the right or wrongness of language is based on whether or not a significant percentage of people use the language in a specific way to successfully communicate.

So it is skilful to observe how lots of people sign while, of grade, as well giving increased weight (consideration / respect) to the signing of those for whom signing is the chief fashion they communicate and/or who have been signing their whole lives while living amongst others who have been signing their whole lives.

I remember information technology is of import to teach and promote signing in ways that are reflective of how socially agile native Deafened adult signers sign (including when discussing the preparation of nutrient). Yes, of course that oftentimes involves the sign Cook -- yet I propose to you that it also (in real life) oft involves the sign Brand, and to a limited extent -- Gear up or other related signs.
When referring to the making regular uncooked (no heat involved) PBJ sandwiches. -- I don't recall having ever seen skilled native or native-like signers sign "Melt" a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Oh sure, if you are making a toasted PBJ" that involves rut y'all might see the sign Melt prove upward merely even then the sign would probably exist in a rhetorical phrase such as "COOK HOW? fs-PANINI depiction-"close a panini press."
However, if no "heat" is involved I don't retrieve I'd sign I Cook a PBJ sandwich. Personally I'd just sign I MAKE SANDWICH.

I  brought this topic up in an online grouping:
Word topic: The use of the sign COOK when working with food.
Focus question: Do we COOK a PBJ sandwich or practise we MAKE a PBJ sandwich (in ASL)?

Some Deaf do utilise the sign COOK when referring to the making of nutrient simply many (Deafened) people responded that they use Make when discussing preparing food and tend to sign Melt when applying heat to food "or" (and this is of import) the act of cooking in a very full general way.
I Enjoy Melt. (I enjoy cooking).

If your local instructor or a local Deaf person in your social circumvolve feels strongly about information technology then by all means feel free to sign Cook (or Brand) depending on whichever they prefer.  Life is too short to be arguing almost signs when yous could exist eating (a PBJ sandwich) instead.

Meet: MAKE

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